चंद्रशेखर रावण का महागठबंधन को समर्थन
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चंद्रशेखर रावण का महागठबंधन को समर्थन |
जय भीम कल भीम आर्मी के संस्थापक चंद्रशेखर रावण को रात 2:30 बजे रहा कर दिया गया रिहा होने के बाद चंद्रशेखर आजाद रावण में मुख्य बातें की यह 10 मुख्य बातें आपसे शेयर कर रहा हूं , उम्मीद है आप पढ़ेंगे और इसे ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करेंगे .
1.चंद्रशेखर आजाद रावण ने महागठबंधन को समर्थन देने का ऐलान किया ।
2. उन्होंने कहा कि अपने लोगों से कहूंगा कि बीजेपी को 2019 में सत्ता से उखाड़ फेंके ।
3. भाजपा दलित विरोधी है एक हाथ से प्रेम करती है दूसरे हाथ से बाहर करती है ।
4. भाजपा को सबक सिखाने का काम SC ST OBC और मुस्लिम समुदाय करेगा क्योंकि अभी ये सभी प्रताड़ित हैं ।
5. उन्होंने कहा कि, भाजपा जैसी सांप्रदायिक पार्टी को एक भी वोट मत देना ।
6. भाजपा को वोट देने का मतलब है कि अपनी आने वाली पीढ़ियों के गले पर चाकू रख देना ।
7. सामाजिक आंदोलन को बढ़ाकर जागरूकता पैदा करेंगे ताकि असली नकली का फर्क पहचान सके ।
8. चंद्रशेखर आजाद रावण चुनाव नहीं लड़ेगा ।
9. जेल में इलाज नहीं दिया गया, मुलाकाते बंद कर दी, सताया गया और सूखी रोटियां दी गई ।
10. उन्होंने कहा कि सरकार द्वारा रसूल काम में फंसा सकती है , तथा उन्होंने कहा कि सुप्रीम कोर्ट में मामला लंबित था ,जिसकी सुनवाई होने ही वाली थी और वहां से रिलीफ मिल जाती क्योंकि मामले में दम नहीं था और ऐसे में सरकार की किरकिरी हो जाती ऐसे में सरकार Backfoot पर आ जाती इसलिए उन्होंने पहले ही रिहा कर दिया ।
In English
Key points after the release of Chandrasekhar Ravan
Jai Bhim, the founder of Bhim Army, Chandrasekhar Ravana has been kept at 2:30 pm after being released, Chandrasekhar Azad has shared this 10 main points of interest in Ravan, hopefully you will read and share it as much as possible. will do .
1. Chandrashekhar Azad Ravan announced to give support to the Maha coalition
2. He said that I would like my people to overthrow BJP in 2019.
3. The BJP is anti-Dalit, loves one hand and does it out of the other hand.
4. The task of teaching the BJP a lesson will be done by SC-ST OBC and Muslim community as they are all oppressed now.
5. He said, do not vote for a communal party like BJP, do not vote for one vote.
6. Voting for the BJP means that keeping a knife on your throats of next generation.
7. Increase the social movement and create awareness so that the real counterfeit can recognize the difference.
8. Chandrasekhar Azad Ravan will not contest elections.
9. Not treated in jail, stopped meeting, persecuted and dry roti.
10. He said that the Rasool can be implicated in the work by the government, and he said that the case was pending in the Supreme Court, which was supposed to be heard and relief from there because the case was not in vain and in such a case the government is weak In such a way the government would come back to Backfoot, so he already released.
Jai Bhim, the founder of Bhim Army, Chandrasekhar Ravana has been kept at 2:30 pm after being released, Chandrasekhar Azad has shared this 10 main points of interest in Ravan, hopefully you will read and share it as much as possible. will do .
1. Chandrashekhar Azad Ravan announced to give support to the Maha coalition
2. He said that I would like my people to overthrow BJP in 2019.
3. The BJP is anti-Dalit, loves one hand and does it out of the other hand.
4. The task of teaching the BJP a lesson will be done by SC-ST OBC and Muslim community as they are all oppressed now.
5. He said, do not vote for a communal party like BJP, do not vote for one vote.
6. Voting for the BJP means that keeping a knife on your throats of next generation.
7. Increase the social movement and create awareness so that the real counterfeit can recognize the difference.
8. Chandrasekhar Azad Ravan will not contest elections.
9. Not treated in jail, stopped meeting, persecuted and dry roti.
10. He said that the Rasool can be implicated in the work by the government, and he said that the case was pending in the Supreme Court, which was supposed to be heard and relief from there because the case was not in vain and in such a case the government is weak In such a way the government would come back to Backfoot, so he already released.
- Also Read this:- आरक्षण एक सोच तथा गलतफहमी PART 1
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