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Press Conference Mayawati ji |
15 अगस्त पर BSP सुप्रीमो मायावती जी का PM मोदी पर हमला
आज 15 अगस्त से स्वतंत्रता दिवस के अवसर पर बीएसपी सुप्रीमो मायावती जी ने Press Conference की उन्होंने PM मोदी पर सीधे हमला किया तथा उनके भाषण को चुनावी भाषण करार दिया Press Conference के मुख्य बिंदु शेयर कर रहा हूं .
- प्रधानमंत्री का लाल किले से दिया राजनीतिक शैली का चुनावी भाषण था ।
- इस लंबे चौड़े भाषण से देश की 125 करोड़ जनता को न तो कोई ऊर्जा और न ही कोई उम्मीद मिल पाई है ।
- प्रधानमंत्री देश की जनता को जान माल और मजहब की सुरक्षा (safety)की गारंटी देना भी भूल गए ।
- बहन जी ने कहा कि ऐसा भाषण प्रधानमंत्री को संसद में देना चाहिए था ताकि वहां सरकार का उत्तरदायित्व Responsibility तय हो सके और दावों को परखा जा सके ।
- BJP सरकार को अपनी नीतियों और क्रियाकलापों activities का हिसाब-किताब संसद में देना चाहिए और लाल किले का भाषण उम्मीद जगाने वाला होना चाहिए ।
- लाल किले के भाषण Speechका राजनीतिक स्वार्थ के लिए इस्तेमाल Use नहीं किया जाता तो बेहतर होता ।
- भाजपा अपने संकीर्ण और विद्वेश का राजनीति Politics से ऊपर उठकर काम करने वाले नहीं है ।
- गरीबी महंगाई Poverty और बेरोजगारी आज भारत की सबसे बड़ी समस्याएं हैं ।
- तेजी से बढ़ते ही विश्व की राजनीतिक और आर्थिक economic स्थितियां जैसे पेट्रोल डीजल और भारतीय मुद्रा की गिरती कीमतों पर बोलना चाहिए ।
- व्यापार में जारी संकट crisis के हालात और रुपयों की गिरती कीमत के बारे में PM ने एक शब्द तक नहीं बोला ।
- चुनावी रैलियों और संसद की तरह ही अपने भाषण में अपनी Government की सवा साल का ही बखान करते रहे ।
- देश में जो कुछ भी हो रहा है उससे अच्छा बना कर उसका सारा श्रेय credit, अपने आप को देने की कला का फिर उदाहरण पेश किया है लेकिन जो भी देश में गलत अनर्थ दुखद और दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण (unfortunate)हो रहा है उसका भी ठीकरा उनके खाते में ही जाएगा ।
In English :-
1.The Prime Minister's election to the political style given by the Red Fort was the speech.
2.With this long wide speech, 125 crore people of the country have neither received any energy nor any hope.
3.The Prime Minister also forgot to guarantee the safety of life and religion of the people of the country.
4.She said that such a speech should have been given to the prime minister in Parliament so that the responsibility of the government could be ascertained and the claims could be ascertained.
5.The BJP government should give account of its policies and activities in parliament and the speech of the Red Fort should be awakening.
6.If Red Fort's speech is not used for political selfishness then it would have been better.
7.The BJP is not going to rise above its narrow and intellectual politics.
8.Poverty inflation and unemployment are today India's biggest problems.
9.As fast growing, the political and economic conditions of the world such as petrol diesel and Indian currency should be spoken on falling prices.
10.The Prime Minister did not talk to a single word about the current crisis of business and the falling prices of the rupees.
11.Like the election rallies and the Parliament, he continued to spell his year of government in his speech.
12.Whatever is happening in the country, all its credit is all the credit it has given to the art of giving yourself another example. But whatever misconception is going on in the country, it will be only in the account of the misfortune and misfortune.
2.With this long wide speech, 125 crore people of the country have neither received any energy nor any hope.
3.The Prime Minister also forgot to guarantee the safety of life and religion of the people of the country.
4.She said that such a speech should have been given to the prime minister in Parliament so that the responsibility of the government could be ascertained and the claims could be ascertained.
5.The BJP government should give account of its policies and activities in parliament and the speech of the Red Fort should be awakening.
6.If Red Fort's speech is not used for political selfishness then it would have been better.
7.The BJP is not going to rise above its narrow and intellectual politics.
8.Poverty inflation and unemployment are today India's biggest problems.
9.As fast growing, the political and economic conditions of the world such as petrol diesel and Indian currency should be spoken on falling prices.
10.The Prime Minister did not talk to a single word about the current crisis of business and the falling prices of the rupees.
11.Like the election rallies and the Parliament, he continued to spell his year of government in his speech.
12.Whatever is happening in the country, all its credit is all the credit it has given to the art of giving yourself another example. But whatever misconception is going on in the country, it will be only in the account of the misfortune and misfortune.
Source by:- Dalit News Network
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